As a spring Syracuse engagement photographer, I am so excited to share Matt and Jess’ engagement photos with you!

Matt and Jess will be getting married next fall at Belhurst Castle because they love autumn but they also love spring! To get the best of both worlds, we decided that it made the most sense to me as a Syracuse engagement photographer to do their session in the spring!

Jess told me that one of her favorite flowers is lilacs and asked if I knew of any where in the Syracuse area that had this type of blossom! I knew that Franklin Square Park gets tons of them so I that’s where I suggested we shoot!

Not only are there lilacs at Franklin Square Park, but many other blossoming trees AND flowers! The perfect spot for a spring Syracuse engagement photographer to take an engaged couple!

The other aspect they loved about Franklin Square Park was the fountain. I was so glad the city had turned it on before their session! Woot woot!

I just love how expressive these two are! Clearly they enjoy being together!
Jess and Matt actually work together for the same company so they see each other every day, all day pretty much!

Didn’t Matt do an amazing job choosing Jess’ ring?! Not only is it gorgeous from the top but also the side! They told me too, that her wedding band matches the engagement ring! It looks like a Disney Princess ring to me!

I loved the evening that I got to spend with these two! As a spring Syracuse engagement photographer, these two were just so fun to be with and we had the perfect evening and perfect setting for their photos. I hope you enjoyed looking through their blog! If you’d like to see other engagement blogs, check them out here or shoot me an email here! I’d love to hear from you! Be sure to follow me on Instagram or Facebook to see all the updates and photos from Matt and Jess’ wedding next year!

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