Welcome to Peter and Kaitlin’s Celebration FL engagement photos blog! I can’t wait to share it with you!

Peter and Kaitlin met me very early on a Saturday morning in Celebration FL for their engagement photos before the adorable little town became too busy.

I met Kaitlin and Peter a few months ago at Dragonfly Farm’s bridal show down in Palm Bay. Amidst the many couples that I chatted with, I remember noticing how sweet Kaitlin seemed and how genuine and engaged Peter was. I know that wedding planning isn’t every groom’s favorite thing but I could tell that whether Peter really enjoys it or not, he is 100% in because of Kaitlin!

It was only a few days following the bridal show that the three of us sat down in a meeting together, knew we’d love to work together and the rest is history!

I SO loved that we decided to do their engagement photos in Celebration, FL! I’ve you’ve never visited this romantic little town, you need to!

If I’m being honest, we actually had a different location chosen for their engagement photos and then at the very last minute (6am that morning in fact!) I called an audible for logistical reasons and we decided to nix Plan A.

As my fingers worked out a text to Kaitlin, “what do you think of doing your engagement photos in Celebration, FL?”, a text from Kaitlin came in at the same time saying, “the other weekend we drove through downtown Celebration, are you familiar with it?” Well!… I’d say that great minds think alike!

And I’m so glad ended up photographing there! With it’s pastel colored buildings, palm tree lined streets, quiet walkway around Lake Rianhard and the Celebration Hotel being a great backdrop for photos from Celebration Lakeside Park… it makes the perfect location not only for photos but a fun afternoon shopping or evening stroll!

Look at this beautiful Toi et Moi (french for “You and Me”) engagement ring that Peter picked out for Kaitlin!

The other thing that Celebration boasts is a quiet park, complete with a romantic fountain and spanish moss hanging from the trees! It feels very much like a park in Savannah to me!

I am so looking forward to capturing Peter and Kaitlin’s wedding memories next April at their church wedding and Hilton Melbourne Beach Oceanfront reception! Andrew and I can’t wait to celebrate at the beach with you!

Thanks for coming by to enjoy Peter and Kaitlin’s Celebration FL engagement photos! These two really are the sweetest! If you’d like to see more of my engagement photos or wedding pictures, click the links provided! And if you’re getting married, I’d love to hear from you!

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