Welcome to Stephanie and Jake’s Highland Forest engagement photos blog post! Stephanie and Jake are both teachers and met each other while working in the same school; they’re both special education teachers! Jake shared with me that while he didn’t necessarily plan on doing special ed specifically when he started out, he fell in love with that field after working with the kids!

Speaking of falling in love, aren’t these two adorable together?!

I just can’t get over the gorgeous sunny day we had for their session!

The third part of their family is named Oakley! I thought it was so cute the way Stephanie emailed me about a week before their session and asked how I felt about including pets in my sessions. My response? They’re part of the family!… bring them along!

His humans are getting married… that bandana is SO cute!!

And he obviously loves them back! Just look at all those kisses he’s giving!

These two were such good sports to wade through all that snow down to this fence for their Highland Forest engagement photos! I just love how the photo came out though!… with the sun, snow and fence line!

I always incorporate things from the area where I shoot their engagement ring pictures! Jake specifically requested a more “foresty” feel for the session so when I found these pinecones I knew it was perfect for their ring shot!

Stephanie also shared that she envisioned a warm sweater and blanket feel for their session. She actually purchased this blanket for their session and I loved it so much!

Since these two aren’t going to be getting married until the end of October in 2022, Stephanie was really excited to schedule their engagement session now so she could have something to look forward to as far as wedding planning goes!

And I always suggest we either shoot in the snow of January/February or wait until the trees bloom in late April or May so that we don’t just have bare trees without any leaves or color! You know how I love color in my photos! So this was perfect!

And Jake, who grew up in Cazenovia, loved the idea of shooting at Highland Forest because he spent many childhood winters doing all sorts of fun things there! I was so glad we could make it happen!

I’m so glad you decided to come by and check out Jake and Stephanie’s Highland Forest engagement photos blog post! I had so much fun getting to know them both and can’t wait for their fall wedding at Belhurst Castle next fall! If you’ve never been to Belhurst Castle and met their amazing staff there, check out a few of my blog posts from there here and here! And if you’d like, reach out to me here… I’d love to hear from you!

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